Combined with Sydney’s biggest public transport project renewing Sydney Metro and adding a whopping 46 new stations, Sydney’s Central Station has also seen a truly historical transformation.
Responding to population growth and increasing demands for an improved transport system, Sydney’s Central Station has been at the top of the list to receive an upgrade. Serving Sydneysiders since 1905, Central Station is located in the heart of the city and is the largest and busiest railway station in the Sydney.
$716 million was injected into the renewal project while Woods Bagot and John McAslan + Partners were engaged for the project. Using the stations original charm and historical features as a backbone to work around and incorporate, masterful modern features were seamlessly integrated. The Northern Concourse in particular has become a centrepiece for the station as a new feature roof was strategically inserted. Accentuating the historical features, the sculptural ceiling canopy sweeps across with diamond shaped skylights and incredible 500 louvres. Reaching 80m long and 40m wide, the structure weighs 330 tonnes and required careful consideration during the installation process.
Equal consideration was required when lighting designers Steensen Varming were engaged to illuminate the structural masterpiece and its surrounds. To accomplish dynamic ceiling illumination with a wide, spatial impression, 72W ERCO wall mounted Lightscans were used. Customised with tunable white technology, each Lightscan adjusts to imitate the natural sequence of daylight. Mimicking the colour and brightness shifts that are experienced from morning, through to afternoon and into the evening.
Another exemplary design feat carried out for Central Station’s renewal is a stretch of escalators which span an incredible 27m below the surface. At 45m long, the centrepiece has been deemed the longest escalator in the Southern Hemisphere. Utilising ERCO’s ability to customise their range of luminaires, Compact Double Wallwashers were customised with an IP65 rating to suit the application. Wall washing the bespoke panels which cascade down the escalator’s walls, each luminaire illuminates the commuter’s path as they descend along the escalator into the station’s platform.
Photography by Jackie Chan.